There’s a reason superhero films are always a box-office blockbuster. Audiences are drawn to origin stories where the average become great. These films often begin with a new hero who has a set of powers but is unsure of how to harness them. These individuals need time to figure out how to develop their new talents. And often, they need help from an expert. The same can be said of the talent development necessary for your new hires. These are employees with tons of potential who have been placed in new roles in unfamiliar environments. They need coaching and mentoring to excel in their new role.

Talent Development From First Day to Last

In the workplace, team leaders and talent development professionals have myriad tools to create a clear path for new hires. Personality assessments, like the Caliper Profile, can help identify which roles new hires exhibit a high potential for success. Mentoring programs and team building initiatives ensure they fit in seamlessly, while being their training immediately, and continued learning and education helps harness employees’ abilities, foster growth, train new skills, and develop core competencies. The process begins with onboarding and continues throughout their time with the company.

Are you harnessing the superpowers of your #NewHires? @CaliperCorp has the #TalentDevelopment tips you need to get the most out of your employees: Click To Tweet

Such robust talent development programs that start at the date of hire help individuals maximize their unique strengths and performance potential to ensure they succeed in their new positions. Talent development is an ongoing, long-term process, not a singular goal to be achieved. It’s a cycle that continues — from employee to employee, role to role.

Caliper and Talent Development

Reaching the untapped superpowers of new hires comes down to having a thoughtful plan for how to properly identify, develop, and advance their existing skill sets and align them with their unique personality strengths as they apply to their new role. The Caliper Profile helps you get a clear picture of employee personality, and you can use scientifically-backed results and validated job models to coach, train, and develop your talent strategies.

How can the #CaliperProfile help your #TalentDevelopment program? @CaliperCorp has your answer: Click To Tweet

Caliper Certification gives you the power to assess Profiles and effectively develop your employees’ talent. Caliper offers different levels of Certification based on your specific goals, level of expertise, and use of the Caliper Profile. With Caliper Certification, you can increase your knowledge about and independent utilization of the Caliper Profile. In essence, you’ll become your organization’s in-house expert on Caliper Profile interpretation, tools, and reports that give you a finger on the pulse of your employee growth and talent development.

With the right tools and information, you will have to power to assemble your own team of superheroes and harness their talents to help your business succeed. To learn more about the ways Caliper can help you assess and develop your employees, reach out to our experts to get started.