
The Caliper Essentials Competency Report for Selection provides an in-depth analysis of an individual’s personality in a work context and can be used to determine whether a candidate is a good fit with your position. This report leverages Caliper’s research in order to examine the individual’s motivations and natural inclinations to engage in the competencies associated with your job.

  • Caliper’s Fit Score, which displays the individual’s fit with the model. This score is derived by using a weighted algorithm of competencies in your model and comparing the result against an appropriate norm group.
  • A Competency Overview graph, which depicts the candidates potential on the competencies related to performance in the model being used to assess your role. Scoring for each is derived from a weighted algorithm of personality traits that Caliper’s research has found to be most predictive of success in that competency. The competency potential scores include an additional layer of interpretation, as the colors of the bars represent ranges of scores.
  • The candidate’s Most Natural Behaviors and Behaviors to Investigate. These are the behaviors most likely to impact your candidate’s success in your role, whether they may serve as strengths or pose challenges.
60-99 (Natural): This signifies strong alignment between individual’s personality and factors that predict performance in the competency. Engaging in this competency is likely to come naturally, and it should serve as a strength for this person.
40-59 (Explore)This signifies moderate alignment between individual’s personality and factors that predict performance in the competency. Some aspects may come more naturally than others, which may result in inconsistency or selectivity in application.
1-39 (Requires Focus): This signifies weak alignment between individual’s personality and factors that predict performance in the competency. This person may not be inclined to engage in this competency, and they may need to focus to be successful in it.
  • These questions and recommendations are derived from the Behaviors to Investigate in the Key Findings.
  • The open-ended questions should enable you to gain greater insight into how your candidate may compensate in areas that might not be natural strengths.
  • The Manager Recommendations lay out the types of support the hiring manager may need to provide, and they may serve as a guide for onboarding and initial development, should you bring your candidate on board. To help guide your new employee’s success in your role, the Caliper Essentials Individual Developmental Guide can provide you with more in-depth development support.
  • The Essentials Competency Report for Selection examines how your candidate may display the competencies required for your position, as shown in the Competency Overview.
  • Each competency has a graph depicting your candidate’s level of alignment with the competency. The competency potential scores include an additional layer of interpretation, as the colors of the circles represent ranges of scores.
  • Each competency also includes a description of what behaviors may serve as a strength and what behaviors may pose a challenge for your candidate in that competency. In cases of very high potential, there may be no possible challenges. In cases of very low potential, there may be no natural strengths in that competency.
60-99 (Natural): This signifies strong alignment between the individual’s personality and factors that predict performance in behavior. Engaging in this behavior is likely to come naturally. It should serve as a significant strength for this person.
40-59 (Explore): This signifies moderate alignment between the individual’s personality and factors that predict performance in the behavior. Some aspects may come more naturally than others, which may result in inconsistency or selectivity in application.
1-39 (Requires Focus): This signifies weak alignment between the individual’s personality and factors that predict performance in the behavior. This person may not be inclined to engage in this behavior, and they may need to focus to be successful in it.

This section describes the candidate’s behavioral style, motivators, and inclinations relating to communication, interacting with others, solving problems, and prioritizing. It gives information about their preferred environments and potential stressors, and provides suggestions for how to interact effectively with the individual and minimize their stressors.

A graph of the Personality Traits measured directly by the Caliper Profile. You can learn more about them in our Glossary of Traits.

Your Caliper Account Team can help you with interpreting and applying the information in your Caliper Essentials Report as well as leveraging your Caliper Profile data along the entire talent-management life cycle. Please do not hesitate to reach out to them or call 609-524-1400 for more information.